He defeats the attackers, rescuing the lovely maiden Kumiko. Title: Toushin Toshi Original title: 闘神都市 Genre: RPG +18 Lenght: Medium 10 - 30 hours Year: Japan, English Patch Developer: Alice Soft Publishers: Alice Soft Translation: Language: English Description: Custom, a swordsman from a small village, is on a journey when he comes across a carriage being attacked. Is that Toushin Toshi 3 in 3DS platform? Btw, dude, since you have 3DS, why don’t try play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies (Gyakuten Saiban 5). Why they no make english version huhuhu 😦. 12 responses to “ Game Review – Toushin Toshi: GIRLS GIFT (3DS) ” Alfred.
Toushin Toshi 2- Fan Translation Released! Toushin Toshi 3 sure looks.